Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Becky Ballerina

I have to confess, ever since we found out we were having a girl and even before, I have long awaited the day for her to take dance.  Just imagining what she would look like in her little pink leotard, ballet shoes, hair pulled up in a bun……. just brought a smile to my face.  Here 3 years later, our Becky is all signed up for dance and tumbling!  She is so excited and looks forward to Monday mornings (papa, probably not so much since he gets her ready.  I have to say that we are so fortunate to have such a great papa who loves us and spends so much time with us AND does so much for us!!!)  She  started lessons last Monday and just seeing her in costume brought a smile to my heart as well.  Her daddy was so excited too!  He just thinks she’s the cutest thing!  Here are a couple shots from the first day (we didn’t have her “dance attire” yet)

DSCN5573 DSCN5577

DSCN5578Let them praise His name with dancing…. Psalm 149:3 

Today her shoes arrived………… so this is her official dance attire~  I won’t post all the pictures however, I will note that she took it upon herself to pose SEVERAL times as if she was doing a photo shoot :0)

IMG_5606 IMG_5624 IMG_5613


  1. Ah, how cute she is...It doesn't seem that long ago that another group of little girls that I knew was going to dance! Where does the time go?

  2. That baby is PRECIOUS! And I love, love, love that last pose. What an angel!
